
Churchend Primary Academy

Be the best possible version of yourself

Year 3

Welcome to Year 3

Class Information

The adults in Year 3 working to support and care for the children:


Shark Class:

Mr Thorne - Class Teacher


Penguin Class:

Miss Jameson - Class Teacher


Working across Year 3 classes to support children with additional needs:

Miss Beasley

Miss Norbury

Miss Mannick

The Year 3 children consolidated their topic on 'The Romans in Britain' with a trip to the Reading Museum. The children took part in a variety of activities, including arch building, artefact hunting, Roman dress-up and were lucky to see a model of the ancient Roman town of Calleva Atrebatum (modern day Silchester). 

Yesterday we used our knowledge of Roman Aqueducts to create our own!

Creating structures using only triangles

Yesterday we looked at Roman aqueducts and thought about what made them strong, stable, rigid and sturdy. We noticed they all included triangles and then made our own structures. We used card and scissors (no glue) and created triangular structures that could hold the weight of a sheet of paper and more!

The Year 3's enjoyed some Roman activities at Forest School today. They learnt some Roman commands and practised these formations and marches. The children then learnt about Roman symbols and left messages for different legions to read and follow. 

Role-playing scenes from a story

Today we spoke about non-verbal communication and how our facial expressions, hand gestures and body language can help us to communicate without using words. We then re-created scenes from our book 'Escape from Pompeii'. 
