At Churchend Primary Academy, we have taken a coherent mapping approach to our curriculum, which we call Combined Studies, “where learning experiences, knowledge and skills are sequenced and woven together such that students form a deep understanding both within and between the various subject domains.” We firmly believe that subject domains should not be approached in isolation, as knowledge and skills are multidisciplinary.
The combined studies curriculum maps out the content of the primary national curriculum along with a focus on progression. The subjects (art, DT, history, geography, music, computing) are taught under the umbrella of combined studies in order that they make systematic and cohesive links for the children. Moreover, we endeavour to ensure that links are also made with English, maths and science where possible so that the children gain a deeper understanding of the subjects. A wide range of additional trips/experiences are offered in order to enable children to flourish.
Each year has an overview of the topics units, which are to be taught along with the curriculum content and skills to be learned. Knowledge web are available on the year group pages and shared with parents and pupils, to facilitate learning and retrieval practise.