
Churchend Primary Academy

Be the best possible version of yourself

Statutory Information for Academies

Directors of the Academy Trust

Mr Howard Seymour

Mrs Dawn Smith

Mr Francis Umukoro

Mr Alan Fawzy

Miss Lizzie Bell

Mrs Theresa Robinson

Mr Godfried Nyamekyeh

Mr Daniel Knowles


Members of the Academy Trust

Mr Richard Pearse

Ms Fiona Walker

Mr Bob Spokes


Covid Catch Up Funding Strategy Spend

Please click on the admissions link below to go to our admissions page which provides further information about the process of applying for a school place.

KS2 data

Please click on the curriculum link below to go to our curriculum information page.

Churchend does not have any employees earning more than £100K gross.

All statutory policies can be found in the 'about us' tab under 'statutory policies'.


Any policies under review and will be reviewed by the governors at a scheduled full governing body meeting.


Statutory policies are reviewed at the beginning of each main term.



The Governing body has received one official written complaint in the academic year  2021/2022.


Governor meeting attendance 2020/21



 FGBFinanceFGBFinanceFGBFinanceFGB FGBfinance 
Bob SpokesaaaaaaaBob Spokes4 out of 43 out of 3 
Carolyn Bainesan/an/an/an/an/an/aCarolyn Baines1 out of 1n/aLeft October 2020
Richard PearseaaaaaaaRichard Pearse4 out of 43 out of 3 
Louise Abrantesaaaan/an/an/aLouise Abrantes2 out of 22 out of 2Left April 2021
Francis Umukoroan/aan/aan/aaFrancis Umukoro4 out of 4n/a 
Alan FawzyaaaaaaaAlan Fawzy4 out of 43 out of 3 
Steph Greggann/an/aan/aan/aaSteph Greggan3 out of 3n/a 
Godfried Nyamekehn/an/an/an/aan/aaGodfried Nyamekeh2 out of 2n/a 
Kath Bexxn/an/an/an/an/an/aaKath Bexx1 out of 1n/a 
Simon fieldsn/an/an/an/aan/aaSimon fields2 out of 2n/a 
Theresa Robinsonn/an/an/an/aaaaTheresa Robinson2 out of 21 out of 1 

Governor attendance 2019/20


  FGB FGB Finance FGB   FGB finance
Name 25.9.2019 04.12.2019 9.7.2020 15.07.2020      
Bob Spokes a a a a Bob Spokes 3 out of 3 1 out of 1
Carolyn Baines a a n/a a Carolyn Baines 3 out of 3 n/a
Peter West a a n/a a Peter West 3 out of 3 1 out of 1
Richard Pearse a a a a Richard Pearse 3 out of 3 1 out of 1
Louise Abrantes a a a a Louise Abrantes 3 out of 3 1 out of 1
Elizabeth James a a n/a n/a Elizabeth James 2 out of 2 n/a
Francis Umukoro n/a n/a n/a a Francis Umukoro 1 out of 1 n/a
Alan Fawzy n/a n/a n/a a Alan Fawzy 1 out of 1 n/a
Leavers NameDate of apptDate of leavingOther interests
Bob SpokesMar-0022/09/2021No
Carolyn BainesOct-0101/10/2020Yes
Peter WestSep-0431/07/2020Yes
Fiona WalkerOct-1525.09.2019No
Reggie SamuelOct-1525.09.2019No
Michael GavinOct-15Sept 18No
Richard Pearse01/07/201630/08/2021Yes
Louise Abrantes07/04/201707/04/2021No
Elizabeth James23/05/201815.01.2020No
Kath BexxMay 202101.09.2022 
Simon Fields19.04.202102.11.2022 

Governors term of office


Dawn Smith is appointed  chair from September 2021 to 2022.

Francis Umukoro is appointed as vice chair from September 2021 to 2022.

Both positions were voted for by the FGB.


All other governors are appointed for a 4 year term.

Howard Seymour will remain a governor whilst he is Headteacher.

Alan Fawzy was voted for by parents and was appointed in February 2020.

Francis Umukoro was appointed by the FGB  in December 2019.

Steph Greggan is teaching staff Governor and was voted for by staff members, She was appointed in October 2020.

Theresa Robinson and Godfried Nyamekyeh were co-opted by the FGB and appointed as of 29th April 2021.

Daniel Knowles is community Governor appointed by the FGB in December 2021.



Register of Interests

No conflicts recorded.








Structure and responsibilities


The full governing body have two committees which they delegate responsibilities to:


Finance, Audit, Premises and Personnel committee

Responsible for- Financial Management and policies, External Audit, Internal Audit, Premises, Personnel. This committee meets a minimum of three times per year.

Membership of this committee: 3 Governors, Headteacher, School Business Manager.

Alan Fawzy will chair this committee.


Management committee

Responsible for- Drafting policies for complaints, equal opportunities, Staff selection, Staff appraisal, Health and safety. Staff pay and conditions. Headteachers performance management, Pupil welfare, Pupil records, Redundancy.

Membership of this committee: 2 Governors, Headteacher, School Business Manager.

Dawn Smith will chair this committee,  Alan Fawzy is the other Governor member.


Curriculum committee

Membership of this committee: 4 Governors, Headteacher, Steph Greggan will chair this committee.


All other responsibilities are dealt with by the FGB.

