Churchend Primary Academy is very fortunate in having an active 'Parents and Friends of Churchend 'Assocation. This very supportive group of volunteers organises events throughout the year which are not only fun for the children and their families, but also raise funds for the school. These funds are used to buy resources for the school not normally provided by the Local Authority.
They regularly raise funds through discos, cake sales, BBQs and this year...Christmas cards!
Through a survey conducted by the Year 5, the PTFA were able to get general parent views on where money should be spent. As a result of this, the Association has purchased a much needed Early Years adventure playground with the money they had raised. They have also purchased tablets and a video camera and green screen equipment and are hoping to provide more outdoor equipment for the older children after the building work has finished.
The Association is not only concerned with fund raising, but is also involved in the life of the school in general by providing manpower and refreshments at school events. They have run a new parents meeting at the start of the year, to provide new parents the opportunity to chat and get to know one another, over a cup of tea and a biscuit.
All parents ,families and friends of the school are automatically members of the Association. The Annual General meeting is held early in the Term One and a Committee is elected. Working with the Association is very rewarding and socially enjoyable.Whether you can offer your services regularly or only occasionally,we are always delighted to hear from people willing to help or with skills to share with us. Helpers are always needed, particularly at major events.
Everyone is welcome so please feel free to attend our next meeting and bring a friend! Please contact us through the school office.