
Churchend Primary Academy

Be the best possible version of yourself

Year Groups

Bird Box Delivery

Daniel and Zack deliver their winning bird boxes (and Lucas') to St Michael's Church.  It won't be long before the bird boxes are up in the trees of St Michael's garden, giving much needed shelter to different British birds. 

Well done boys and to all of whom took part in the competition.  Every bird box was unique and we were wowed by all of your creations.

Diwali 2022

Still image for this video

We have had an amazing start to November with some wonderful celebrations for Diwali. All children were able to wear non-school uniform for the day and many of our Hindu and Sikh pupils chose to wear traditional clothes. Some members of staff also wore traditional clothes, thanks to the kind support of several parents.


Penguin class led an assembly teaching us about the story of Rama and Sita and how the Festival of Lights is celebrated. The children were able to share with us their rangoli decorations and mendhi patterns. Thank you Penguin class for leading the first class assembly of the new year.


Reception children have also been performing firework dances and chalking rangoli patterns in their playground.


Some of the parents and families from our community created beautiful rangoli patterns and decorations with diyas in the main hall for all children to see on Friday afternoon. These parents also sang a Diwali song in assembly and gave out delicious sweets and gifts to all the children and staff at the academy.


Thank you so much for your kindness and generosity in sharing Diwali with the whole community. It was a lovely day, enjoyed by everyone.


Happy Diwali!

Remote Education Information for Parents
