
Churchend Primary Academy

Be the best possible version of yourself




We will be running a series of tours for parents where you will get to meet our Headteacher, Mrs Clark and be shown around the school.  Tours are usually held in October,November,December.

The tour dates will be published here once arranged.


Please email the Academy office to book.




Churchend Primary Academy is a vibrant and exciting school for your child to grow, learn and become the best possible version of themselves.


We are a two-form entry academy and have 60 places each year in our reception classes, 28 across our nursery class. We occasionally have places available in other year groups so please contact us if you are new to the area or moving schools.


We also offer Breakfast and After School Clubs to support families with childcare arrangements. Please see the link on our website for more information. 


Primary School Admissions for Reception are administered by our Local Authority, Reading Borough Council, and we adhere to their processes and policies for administering places fairly. In the event of there being more applications than places available, then Reading Borough Council apply our oversubscription criteria.


For in year admissions we operate a waiting list system and places are offered once a space becomes available. Waiting list applications are prioritised according to our standard admission criteria.

Please complete the in year waiting list form below and email to

You will only be contacted once a space becomes available and you are at the top of the waiting list.


If you would like your child to attend our academy, please see full details of our admission arrangements below.

School Admissions 

Contact Details for Appeals:

The web page parents should go to for submitting their appeal online and for information on the appeals process is:

Nursery Admissions

At Churchend we administer our own Nursery admissions.  Children can start at our Nursery the term after they turn 3 years of age.  We offer both part and full time places.  You can add your child to the waiting list once they are 2 years old by completing the Nursery admissions waiting list form.

Children will be offered either a morning place or an afternoon place both of which are 15 hours per week. Applications for 30 hour places must be accompanied by the 30 hour entitlement code.


Nursery offer letters are sent out before the Easter holidays for September starters.


Churchend Nursery admissions
