
Churchend Primary Academy

Be the best possible version of yourself

Churchend Academy Governance



Our Governing Body consists of:

1 Chair (Dr Theresa Robinson)

1 Vice Chair 
2 Parent Governors (Marie French and 1 vacancy)
3 Co-opted Governors ( Francis Umukoro, Theresa Robinson, Penny Waterfield and Godfried Nyamekyeh )
1 Teaching staff Governor  ( Lizzie Bell 1 year)
Headteacher: Helen Clark
Louise Matthews: Governance Professional 

Each governor serves a term of 4 years. The chair and vice chair hold this position for 1 year.


Parents elect the Parent Trustee, the Body of Trustee selects its Community Trustees, teachers vote for their teacher Trustee.

The remaining staff select their representative.

The Full Body of Trustees meets at least four times a year.


Minutes of Trustee meetings are available for public viewing from the Academy Office and copies are available from the clerk on request free of charge.

Trustees' Responsibilities
Chair of Full Governing Body: Dr Theresa Robinson
Vice Chair of Full Governing Body: 

Safeguarding: Dr Theresa Robinson
Pupil premium: Dr Theresa Robinson
Health & Safety: Vacancy

RHSE: Francis Umukoro

Finance, Audit, Premises and Personnel Committee

Francis Umukoro

Theresa Robinson (Chair)

Helen Clark - Headteacher

Management Committee
Dr Theresa Robinson     (Chair)

Helen Clark -Headteacher



Admissions Committee
Dr Theresa Robinson 

Helen Clark -Headteacher


Trustee Attendance 2022-23

Attendance during the year at meetings of the board of Governors was as follows:
Governor:Meetings attendedOut of possible 
Mr H Seymour, Head Teacher44 
Mrs D Smith, Chair of Governors34 
Mr F Umukoro44 
Mr G Nyamekyeh34 
Ms T Robinson34 
Mrs S Greggan44 
Mr D Knowles23 
Mr A Fawzy34 
Mr S Fields44 
Mrs K Bexx44 
Finance committee   
Mr H Seymour, Head Teacher44 
Mrs D Smith, Chair of Governors04 
Mr F Umukoro24 
Ms T Robinson44 
Mr A Fawzy44 
Mr H Seymour, Headteacher11 
Mrs D Smith, Chair of Governors11 
Mrs S Greggan11 
Mrs K Bexx11 
Mr F Umukoro, Vice Chair 11 
Mr S Fields11 


All Trustees can be contacted via the main school office or the Clerk.

Please call the School on 0118 9375450 or

email the Governance Professional or

write to the school address of Usk Road, Tilehurst,Reading, RG30 4HP.

The three core functions of the governing body


  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure that its money is well spent.

If you or somebody that you know is interested in becoming a school governor please contact the clerk to the governors at Churchend:
