Please read the information below which gives details of our Pupil Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.
At Churchend Primary Academy, we form our decisions for pupil premium spending on research that has been gathered by organisations such as EEF as well as the individual needs that we have found for our catchment area and school community.
We always strive to have high quality teaching at the heart of all of our pupil premium support and endeavour to keep staff up to date on the latest research and best practice.
1. High Quality Teaching: Investing in professional development, training and support for all staff to ensure that an effective teacher is at the front of every class, and that every teacher is supported to keep improving.
2. Targeted academic support: Consideration of how classroom teachers and teaching assistants can provide targeted academic support, such as using structured one-to-one or small group interventions which link to classroom teaching to ensure children make good or accelerated progress.
3. Wider strategies to overcome non-academic barriers to learning: Support regarding attendance, behaviour as well as social and emotional support both for pupils and parents.