
Churchend Primary Academy

Be the best possible version of yourself


Mathematics teaching at Churchend Primary Academy is intended to develop children that are confident mathematicians with a love of maths so that they are equipped with the foundation skills and positive attitudes for future careers in a society where maths forms an integral part to many jobs. As mathematicians, children will:

  • Be able to clearly explain mathematical concepts using a range of tools including manipulatives, representations and calculations,

  • Demonstrate procedural fluency in the four operations, to reduce cognitive overload when tackling more complex, multi-step problems and

  • Have the mental mathematical skills to respond to mathematical problems outside the classroom and without pen and paper.

Furthermore, teaching will ensure that children progress at the same rate using intervention to address misconceptions and confident recall, when it is not possible to develop these in the classroom.


Our aims in teaching mathematics are supported by the White Rose Maths Hub Scheme of Learning (SOL).

Year 6 using scales and multilink cubes to balance algebraic calculations
